5 Simple Habits That Make You Productive (and poppin')

Today we're learning 5 simple habits that make you productive and able to boss up and get ish done. Practice these simple habits and become, the master of yourself and your time then glow up


Habit #5: Write shit Down

You can’t get anything done if you don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing! This is the easiest but by far the most important habit. Being able to keep track of your schedule, goals, and accomplishments will not only help your mental and emotional health but also your productivity.


Habit #4: Make it Easy

Try to make it easier for yourself not harder. If you find it hard to commit to certain tasks, make sure that you're making them readily available and easy for you to do. Do you have a hard time remembering to workout? Leave your mat and workout clothes in your eyesight. Keeping things in your view allows you to always be reminded and more willing to pick them up more consistently!

Habit #3: Make it Fun

Everything truly doesn’t have to be a drag and why would you want it to be. By simply creating a more fun mindset around what you are trying to achieve makes the task more enjoyable. Make a vision board, invite your friends to join, celebrate simple goals you’ve attained. Any of these small things can add excitement to any task.


Habit #2: Reward Yourself

Now that you been building some momentum, it’s time to kick it up a notch by acknowledging how far you’ve come by rewarding yourself. Did you do something consistently for a month? Sure get your hair done. Reach a milestone? You definitely deserve a massage. Always remember to validate yourself. Change is hard, treat yourself.


Habit #1: Make a System

The number one habit that I promise will have you poppin’ in no time is to create a system from what you have already started! You’ve done so much work to create the habits you need to reach your goals the last component is to make it a lifestyle. Creating a routine from the simple steps you’ve taken to build your productivity, allows you to create a lifestyle and reach those goals you’ve always wanted to achieve.