Aries 101: A Beginners Crash Course


Crash Course Astrology: Aries 101

Everything you need to know about the first zodiac sign

 “The Ram”

March 20 - April 21

Ruler: Mars/ Pluto

Element: Fire

Quality: Cardinal

Color: Red

Tarot: The Emperor

Exaltation: Sun in Aries

Detriment: Venus in Aries

Fall: Saturn in Aries

Theme: The Leader

Crystals: Red Jasper, Hematite,

Ruby, Bloodstone, Fire Agate

Affirmation: I am


Aries people pretty much

incarnated to do as they

please and be independent.

They don’t give a damn

about your opinion and the

rules, they were made to break

them. Sometimes they may act

in ways that you feel might be

disruptive but this is their

nature. They are here to

show their unique talents and

teach the world how to be

courageous and brave. They

can move quickly and be

somewhat impulsive but this

is part of their charm. As for

careers if they aren’t already,

Aries should look into jobs

where they are not

micro-managed or better yet

can be in charge. They can be

good decorators and

housekeepers if they make the

time. They also, make great

parents and teachers if they

are able to learn the virtue of

patience which does not come

naturally to them.


Watch me create this Aries Astrology resin tray below

In this tray, I use Aries astrology correspondence magick to make a very powerful peace